Nearly 50 years ago, SpotSee turned a simple idea into a global resource. The company’s first proprietary indicators and condition-based monitoring devices were used to detect mishandling of sensitive computer media in transit. They found this simple concept so effective that the product was leveraged into new markets and additional technology was developed for many other applications. SpotSee evolved with each new innovation. Their expert resources help customers around the globe find the right solutions to deter mishandling and reduce costs.
SpotSee provides condition-indicating and -monitoring solutions that help customers spot condition changes in their operations, supply chain and products; and see these changes through low-cost data acquisition technologies such as RFID, BLE, cellular and satellite.
SpotSee devices monitor shock, vibration, temperature and other environmental conditions through market-leading brands such as WarmMark®, ColdMark®, Thermax®, ShockWatch®, TiltWatch®, ShockLog®, SpotBot® and OpsWatch, among others. The company has a global network of nearly 2,000 sales and technical service partners in 62 countries. SpotSee is headquartered in Dallas, Texas, with additional U.S. operations in Glenview, Illinois and Graham, Texas, as well as Brazil, China, Mexico, Netherlands and United Kingdom.